This is the number of draft treatment notes for a practitioner (Cliniko help desk link - 'Draft Treatment Notes').
Number of 'Draft Treatment Notes' from Cliniko created but not yet finalised as of current date.
Why this metric matters
Treatment notes are a sign that practitioners have clarity on each unique patient's journey, therefore, it is likely they have rebooked them accordingly which contributes to their calendar utilisation.
Treatment notes are a requirement for healthcare funding, i.e. in the case of being audited, a practitioner will need to supply evidence of their notes, treatments plans, etc. to justify the health funds claimed. Therefore, there is a key governance, compliance, and risk issue with notes that are not done or not completed.
This is a particularly relevant metric in Cliniko to NDIS based clinics, eg. Speech Pathology, Occupational Therapy, Psychology, etc.
Having access to this metic in Allie supports a mentor, leader, or owner to keep a practitioner accountable to an important compliance issue in the care of their clients. It is a good performance metric that focuses on the experience and care for a patient, as distinct from the more financially motivated metrics like revenue, patient visit average, etc.