This is the number of all Clients that are new to the clinic.
This is a raw number (New Clients) that Allie collects from a Practitioner Performance Report in your Practice Management System (Cliniko).
Allie, a practitioner, has 27 Individual Appointments this week and 5 of those Individual Appointments are for clients attending for their very first time at the clinic. Allie's New Clients can be calculated as:
New Clients = 5
Note: New Clients does not include New to Service or New to Location. For example, if an existing client receives ongoing Podiatry services and then gets referred internally to a Physiotherapist at the same clinic location for an initial appointment ie they are a new client to the Physiotherapist, the client is not counted as a New Client in Allie Metrics. Allie classifies a New Client only if it is their very first appointment to your Clinic overall i.e. a client can only be counted as a 'New Client' once.