This is the number of Individual Appointments that are scheduled in the upcoming calendar week (i.e. next Mon-Sun).
This is a raw number (Individual Appointments) that Allie collects from a Practitioner Performance Report in your Practice Management System (Cliniko).
Allie, a practitioner, is reviewing the 1 Week Forward metric first thing on a Wednesday morning and it shows 35 Individual Appointments. Allie has 18 Individual Appointments remaining in the current week (i.e. between Wednesday and Friday). Allie's 1 Week Forward metric can be calculated as:
1 Week Forward = 35
Note: 1 Week Forward captures the Individual Appointments in the next Calendar week i.e. 7 days between Monday to Sunday. It is not a capture of the next 7 days ie From the Wednesday it is being reviewed by Allie and the 'rolling' 7 days that directly follow. If you are reviewing the 1 Week Forward metric on a Monday, then the result will be for the Monday to Sunday of the following week.