This is the amount of service-based income generated from all Group Appointments ie Excluding Individual Appointments.
This is calculated based on the raw number (Raised Invoices from Group Appointments) that Allie collects from a Practitioner Performance Report in your Practice Management System (Cliniko).
A physiotherapist clinic offers various services, including physiotherapy sessions, and a line of physical therapy products.
Invoice 1:
Description: Group Physiotherapy Class + Stability Ball
Amount: $30 + $50 = $80 per participant
Type: Mixed
Participants: 3
Invoice 2:
Description: Physical Therapy Foam Roller
Amount: $20
Type: Product-based
Class Revenue: $90 (from Invoice 1)
Product Revenue: $260 ($240 from Invoice 1 + $20 from Invoice 2)
Total Revenue: $350
Note: Class Revenue is based on 'Raised Invoices' and does not distinguish if the invoice status has changed to a 'Paid Invoice' once the client finalises payment. Therefore, you might see a difference between Class Revenue and the amount of money deposited into your bank account.
Note: If you charge a Cancellation or Did Not Attend Fee it will not be included in Class Revenue.